“Providing such high energy density is truly a game changer.” The newest Gelendvagen G580 EQ will receive an improved battery and will be able to travel up to 644 km on a single charge

by alex

True, this is still a very rough calculation

Introduced last week, the brand new electric Gelendvagen I was surprised by two things: a huge weight of more than 3 tons and a completely unremarkable range for a premium SUV of 438 km. You can't do anything with the mass — electrification costs, but the vehicle's range will increase: within two years, the SUV will receive an improved traction battery, in which the energy density will increase by 20-40%. Mercedes representatives told the Autocar resource about this.

There are no exact data on the power reserve that the new traction battery can provide, but the spread in percentage is decent. But even if the range increases by only 20%, it will already be 570 km, and an increase in energy density by 40% will give a traction battery with a capacity of approximately 162 kWh and a range of 644 km.

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«Обеспечение такой высокой плотности энергии действительно меняет правила игры». Новейший «Гелендваген» G580 EQ получит улучшенную батарею и сможет проезжать до 644 км на одной зарядке

«Providing such high energy density is truly a game changer and allows us to think in completely new directions when developing future electric vehicles&raquo ;, — said Mercedes technical director Markus Schäfer. Autocar notes that the new traction battery technology will be used in other electric vehicles of the company.

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