The GeForce RTX 4090 can handle complex passwords in minutes. Hive Systems showed what modern accelerators and a supercomputer are capable of in these tasks

by alex

It is important to have a complex and long password

Cybersecurity company Hive Systems showed what modern video cards are capable of in the task of guessing passwords. It turned out that a lot. 

The authors took several video cards of different generations: GeForce RTX 2080, RTX 3090, RTX 4090, as well as a system of eight A100 accelerators, 12 such accelerators, and added a supercomputer with 10,000 such adapters to the report, although these, of course, are already interpolated results. & nbsp;

The authors did not study password-brute force technology, but hacking based on hashes. The authors also compared the results when hashing using the old MD5 algorithm and the more modern and reliable bcrypt. Eight-character passwords were used for evaluation. It is also worth mentioning that for such a hack the attacker will need access to the hash, so the situation is not as bad as one might think. 

As you can see, in the case of MD5 it is generally impossible to talk about any reliability of any password, because even the RTX 2080 will cope with the most difficult one in 4 hours. The RTX 4090 will take an hour to do this, but a supercomputer will do it in 1 second. 

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GeForce RTX 4090 может справиться со сложными паролями за минуты. Hive Systems показали, на что способны современные ускорители и суперкомпьютер в этих задачах

When switching to the bcrypt algorithm, the process becomes orders of magnitude more complicated, and no modern video card is enough. Even a bunch of 12 Nvidia A100s will take the most complex passwords for 12 years. True, if you use the simplest passwords, even an ordinary 3D gaming card will be enough. However, a supercomputer can cope with this task: it will take a maximum of 5 days for the most complex password. 

The authors remind you to use long and complex passwords, since each extra character can significantly increase the time required for cracking.  

Recall that a real supercomputer Cheyenne is currently up for sale at auction, and the current bids are only $30,000. 

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