Tank SUVs have become a huge hit, with sales in China soaring by 88%. The newest Tank 700 already accounts for 10% of the supply volume

by alex

Tank 300 may have a diesel engine

Great Wall reported on sales of Tank SUVs in China in April of this year, and there is reason to rejoice. Compared to April last year, sales soared by 88% — up to 20 469 cars. Compared to March of this year, there is also an increase, but modest — by only 8%.

According to Gu Yukun, deputy general manager of the Tank brand, sales of the Tank 700 exceeded 2,000 units in April. That is, the newest SUV, which will appear in Russia very soon, accounts for approximately 10% of the brand’s total sales.

Внедорожники Tank стали суперхитом — продажи в Китае взлетели на 88%. На новейший Tank 700 приходится уже 10% объема поставок

It also became known that the Tank 300 may have a diesel engine, and the Tank 400 — regular petrol version. Most likely, such projects will be implemented through a collective financing program, as was the case with the Tank 300 with a 3-liter V6 engine.

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