Tesla has been polluting water in Germany for a long time, which is why its plant may be closed.

by alex

Discharges of phosphorus and nitrogen into wastewater exceeded the norm several times over two years

The possible suspension of production at the plant of the American automaker Tesla due to the obvious exceeding of permissible environmental pollution standards is reported by TASS with reference to the German television channel N-tv. This information comes from a letter from the Strausberg-Erkner Water Supply Association (WSE).

According to WSE, the Tesla plant in Grünheide, Brandenburg, violated established standards for the content of water pollutants. Discharges of phosphorus and nitrogen into wastewater continued in large volumes for about two years, exceeding the permissible norm by six times. WSE is calling on city mayors in the region to close Tesla's waste pipes, which could lead to the suspension of production at the plant.

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According to the warning from the Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries named after. Leibniz (IGB) in Berlin, high concentrations of harmful substances in wastewater could threaten the drinking water supply of the German capital.

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