Palworld has broken the long-term dominance of the Terraria wiki. The developer looked into a competitor's game and the weekend flew by

by alex

Palworld attracts millions of players around the world. At some point, one of the creators of Terraria decided to look into the new product.

One of the creators of Terraria under the nickname Redigit drew attention to the statistics of It turns out that the wiki for the recently released Palworld has become the most popular, taking away the long-term leadership from Terraria.

Redigit (jokingly) called for the popular Palworld to be “canceled.”

Palworld has broken the long-term dominance of the Terraria wiki. The developer looked into a competitor's game and the weekend flew by

During communication with members of the Terraria community, Redigit admitted that he himself became interested in a competitor’s game and disappeared into it over the weekend:

«Started playing [Palworld] to see what the fuss was about, and the weekend passed in a flash.

Congratulations on your success!“.

Got it: the police arrested the author of threats to Nintendo employees who disrupted events

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