[Video] Motsyk and katana. Ghostrunner 2 review

by alex

The action in a cyberpunk setting is already available on PC, as well as current generation consoles PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S

We are sorting out the sequel to the cyberninja simulator Ghostrunner 2, which recently became available on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

The game made back its production budget of 4.2 million US dollars in five days, bringing its creators over 6 million dollars. The publisher then did not name the number of copies of the game sold, but noted that the calculations took into account only the standard editions of the game, priced at $40.

“The developers didn’t break the basics, everything is fine with this. It's still an amazing mix of Katana ZERO first-person and Mirror's Edge.”

While Ghostrunner 2 is a bit simpler overall than the original game, it's still a pretty hardcore action game that will test your patience and nerves.

Baldur's Gate 3 will take years to unfold. The developer pointed out the peculiarity of the game's construction

“A tense and balanced adventure that doesn't try to set you on fire with a series of mishaps.”

The developers even tried to play a little with nonlinearity, but it didn’t turn out very convincingly, and they also gave the hero a fast motorcycle that can ride on walls.

[Video] Motsyk and katana. Ghostrunner 2 review

( source of publication cover )

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