This is how the Radeon RX 7900 GRE for 570 euros can catch up with the GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super for 840 euros. Overclocking the RX 7900 GRE gives a good boost

by alex

AMD solved the problem with overclocking limitation

AMD has solved the problem with overclocking the memory of the Radeon RX 7900 GRE video card, and recent tests have shown that the adapter now looks much more attractive. Of course, for those who want to resort to overclocking. 

The authors of Hardware Unboxed took the Sapphire adapter and overclocked it to frequencies of 2.7 GHz for the core and 21.2 GHz — for memory.  

Вот так Radeon RX 7900 GRE за 570 евро может догнать GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super за 840 евро. Разгон RX 7900 GRE даёт хорошую прибавку

As you can see, the performance increase turned out to be quite good. At 1440p, the overclocked card became 12% faster relative to the reference one, and at 4K the increase was almost 17%, which is very good by modern standards. 

As a result, after overclocking, the RX 7900 GRE at 1440p competes with the RTX 4070 Ti, and at 4K it reaches the RTX 4070 Ti Super. At the same time, the RX 7900 GRE in Europe costs from 570 euros, the RTX 4070 Ti — from 700 euros, and the RTX 4070 Ti Super — from 840 euros. Of course, Nvidia cards can also be overclocked, but the price difference will still remain.  

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