Kaspersky Lab: last winter the number of DDoS attacks in Russia increased sixfold

by alex

Quantitative and qualitative changes are observed

Team «Kaspersky Lab» told  how the landscape of DDoS attacks in Russia is changing. So, in the winter of 2023–2024. solutions «Laboratory» registered almost six times more such attacks in Russia.

Attacks have become less powerful in terms of throughput and traffic volume, but more widespread, and their average duration has decreased. In the «Laboratory» told:

This happened due to a significant increase in the number of TCP short packet attacks since October 2023, which overload the victim company’s equipment with small data packets that require complex and voluminous processing from the attacked resource. Their goal is to — disable the network equipment or TCP stack of the attacked organization. 

In addition, experts are increasingly seeing changes in attacker tactics. Previously, they could often attack one resource in different ways for a long time, which significantly reduced the speed of its loading for the user, but it could still remain accessible. Now attackers try not to spend a lot of time on one resource, but go through the websites of the same company: they attack the first web address of the organization, then, if they do not reach the target within a short period of time, they move on to the next one until they find the one that does. will be able to completely disable them.

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