Samsung and AMD have entered into a very large contract for both companies. Samsung will supply AMD's latest 12-layer HBM3e memory

by alex

Already this year

Samsung has entered into an agreement with AMD worth $3 billion. As part of this agreement, Samsung will supply AMD with the latest HBM3e memory. 

We're talking about Samsung's latest development in the form of 12-layer HBM3e stacks, mass production of which will begin later this year. With a 50% increase in the number of layers compared to current offerings, this memory offers the same 50% more bandwidth and more stack space. 

It is important to say that for AMD such a contract is very, very significant, since the company uses HBM memory only in AI accelerators, which, compared to Nvidia, occupy a very small market share. But this is also an important contract for Samsung, since although the company is a leader in the production of DRAM and NAND memory, it is far from the first position in the HBM memory market.  

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