Russian Railways will receive 12 Russian improved analogues of Lastochkas this year and another 20 next year

by alex

Official information from the deputy director of the company

Deputy General Director of the holding «Russian Railways» Ivan Kolesnikov said that Russian Railways plan to receive 20 Russian improved analogues of «Swallows&raquo. in 2024.

«In 2024, JSC "Russian Railways" plans to receive about 20 electric trains of the ES104 series. This year "Russian Railways" The first 4 electric trains of this type have already been delivered. By the end of 2023 we will receive another 8», — said Kolesnikov.

New electric trains will begin to operate in suburban service on routes in the Sverdlovsk region and in the Perm region – near the manufacturer in order to, if necessary, be able to provide prompt service support and improve the characteristics of the train.

«Starting next year, it is planned to supply such electric trains in an eight-car version. They are oriented for transportation at the Oktyabrskaya Railway training ground, — he added.

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Russian Railways previously reported that the electric train of the ES104 series will act as the next stage in the evolution of the electric trains of the ES2G &Standard series, having improved technical characteristics and a modified appearance of the head car and interior. Certification of the ES104 electric train, which consists entirely of Russian components, was completed on November 27, 2023. It is planned that in the future ES104 will become the main platform for a number of domestic electric trains of a new generation.

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