Mishustin: Russian GigaChat and Western ChatGPT contain different pictures of the world. Russia is among the top three world leaders in digital technologies

by alex

“Different understandings of what is “good” and what is “bad””

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin stated that the Russian GigaChat and the Western ChatGPT contain actually different pictures of the world.

The thinking of artificial intelligence depends on the training data set and reflects the specifics of the country of origin. So, in «brains» Russian GigaChat and Western ChatGPT are actually different pictures of the world. Different understandings of what is “good” and what is “bad”. And with the admission of AI solutions into critical industries — for example, in science, medicine, industry — It is important to use models that meet one's own national interests. And we take this into account.

Mikhail Mishustin

In addition, he added that Russia is one of the three world leaders with serious competencies in digital technologies.

Russia gives priority attention to all issues of digital development. We are — one of the three world leaders with serious competencies in digital technologies. Their use also helps us respond to internal and external challenges.

Mikhail Mishustin

Earlier, the Minister of Digital Development of the Russian Federation Maksut Shadayev said that in «State Services» a chatbot with artificial intelligence may appear.

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