Innovative Showee: a new step in improving the lives of people with disabilities: touch screen, adjustable height and detailed instructions

by alex

Innovative souls that save not only comfort, but also global resources:

Affordability, long overlooked by many global manufacturers, has begun to find its place in the world of technology. It is estimated that more than a quarter of adults in the US say they have a disability, and in the UK, according to a report last year by the Office for National Statistics, around 30% of all respondents believe access to services is difficult. These are facts that call attention to the importance of universal accessibility. Some startups are already developing and implementing innovative solutions in this area.

One of these startups — Showee, a Catalan startup creating smart showers. A couple of weeks ago, his team won first prize at the Spanish Red Cross Humanitarian Technology Award at 4YFN 2024, the Mobile World Congress startup event.

The Showee shower is designed specifically for people with physical and mental disabilities. It has a height-adjustable design and features a smart touchscreen that guides users through every step of the process. This equipment has received recognition and appreciation not only for its functionality, but also for its social effect. Showee adapts to the user's preferences, restoring privacy and security without causing stress. Reviews highlight that in facilities where there is not enough time or staff for one-on-one care, Showee can help nurses allow more frequent showers for patients who want more independence.

The company's CEO, Eric Guell, was inspired by the needs of his family, which includes members with disabilities. So he founded Showee in 2017. The startup team received support from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, BarcelonaTech. They spend a lot of time on research and development, since producing innovative devices is a difficult task, especially in such a narrow field. However, with the help of a manufacturing partner, the team found space to research and produce prototypes. In addition, the startup is focusing on sales to hospitals and care facilities. The company's chief technology officer, Eloy Mirambel, notes that in order for smart showers to become widely available, their cost must be reduced.

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Showee shower systems are currently used in nursing homes, hospitals and care centers for people with severe autism and similar conditions. The company also plans to offer hotels less customizable versions of the equipment.

Aside from affordability issues, Showee has another advantage: saving water. According to the startup, their smart shower uses 50% less water than traditional models. Considering that shower systems account for a significant portion of water bills in establishments where Showee equipment is supplied, these savings can help reduce water costs.

Despite the advantages of Showee equipment, its price of 5,000 euros (about $5,420) is unaffordable for many consumers. However, the startup is working to make its product more affordable, for example by replacing some components with lower-cost options and offering flexible payment terms. Showee is currently looking for additional financial sources to develop its business and expand its activities. The startup reports that all shower cabins are currently sold out, but will be available for purchase again from April 2024.

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