Huawei got the better of Apple here too. The company overtook the Cupertino giant and took first place in the tablet market in China

by alex

Last year she was second

Huawei is rapidly regaining its position in the Chinese smartphone market. New data suggests the same is true for the tablet market. 

According to IDC, in the first quarter of this year, Huawei overtook Apple and led the Chinese tablet market. 

If a year ago Huawei occupied 25.7% of the market and second place, now it is in first place with a share of 36.6%. Apple's share decreased from 34.9% to 24.4%. That is, we can say that Apple lost exactly as much as Huawei gained, and this hints that all the lost Apple customers went to Huawei. 

Huawei и здесь разделалась с Apple. Компания обошла купертинского гиганта и заняла первое место на рынке планшетов в Китае

This indirectly confirms the fact that the positions of the other market leaders have remained almost unchanged: Xiaomi is in third place, Honor is in fourth, and Lenovo is in the top five.  

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