Android 15 will learn to compress applications tens of times. The work of the new App Archiving function has already been shown on video

by alex

But this is actually deleting the program

Android 15 will learn to compress installed applications significantly. 

The new App Archiving feature was originally discovered in Android 15 last month, and now there are details and even a video with an example of how this feature works. 

Archiving the application will significantly reduce the amount of memory occupied by this software. For example, the Uber application after archiving is reduced from 387 to 18 MB, that is, more than 20 times. 

True, there is a nuance. Of course, you cannot simply compress an application tens of times and maintain its functionality at the original level. As you can see in the example, after launching the archived application, it is downloaded again from Google Play and only then launched. Probably, archiving saves user data and settings, but deletes the software itself, so then you have to download it again. That is, constantly archiving various applications will be completely pointless.  

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However, this function is suitable for applications that are used very rarely, and for various reasons you do not want to delete them or cannot. In addition, Android 15 will offer an automatic archiving feature for long-unused programs. 

Given the size of some modern applications and the lack of memory card support on many modern smartphones, this feature can be really useful.  

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