AirPods Pro have been released with a touch screen on the case. Apple never implemented such a patent, but the Chinese completed the job

by alex

The screen provides various information

Apple files a lot of patents, most of which will never see the light of day as consumer products. However, China has already released a product for which Apple received a patent in 2021, but never presented it. We are talking about a case for AirPods Pro with a built-in touch display.

Activated by opening the case lid, the display allows users to select noise control, Find My Headphones, select equalizer settings and lock the screen. The display also shows users each AirPod's battery level, current time, and Bluetooth connectivity.

«The usefulness of the headphone case can be enhanced and user control over the wireless headphones can be improved by configuring the headphone case with an interactive user interface that allows the user to control operations related to the wireless headphones». — says Apple's 2021 patent.

Production of Russian ESP will start on December 19, and on December 18 the PSMA Rus plant, which previously produced the Mitsubishi Outlander, will be restarted

Выпущены AirPods Pro с сенсорным экраном на футляре. Такой патент Apple так и не реализовала, но китайцы довели дело до конца

Apple envisioned such a case to control Apple Music, while the screen would provide haptic feedback, allowing the user to control audio playback, adjust volume, select favorite songs, and interact with music in other ways.

Выпущены AirPods Pro с сенсорным экраном на футляре. Такой патент Apple так и не реализовала, но китайцы довели дело до конца

The patent claims that by integrating an interactive touch display in this way, «disadvantages associated with user control of wireless headphones are reduced or eliminated».

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