A man with an “abnormal” body shape tried to smuggle hundreds of iPhones into China

by alex

Customs officers immediately noticed him

Chinese Gongbei Customs recently confiscated 100 old smartphones that a man tried to smuggle into the country.

December 22 at 20:40 a passenger in a black coat tried to enter the country through the «corridor without declaring» at the Qingmao Port tourist inspection point of Gongbei Customs.

When the man passed through the inspection counter, customs officers noticed that he was nervous and stumbling, and the shape of his body seemed “abnormal” to the customs officers.

Customs officers subsequently seized a total of 100 phones tied with tape and plastic wrap to the man's stomach, thighs and calves. The smartphones were all reported to be old iPhones.

Мужчина с «аномальной» формой тела пытался ввезти на себе в Китай сотню iPhone

According to local laws, taxable smartphones and other electronic goods cannot be brought into the country illegally. If the matter is smuggling and the circumstances are serious enough, you may be prosecuted under the law.

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