Users who switch from Android to iPhone often don't buy Apple's most expensive and new models

by alex

Statistics show the popularity of basic iPhones

CIRP analysts assessed the popularity of different iPhone models among those who switch to these smartphones from Android-based devices. 

In general, such users among iPhone buyers are about 10-15%, and on average they do not tend to buy the most expensive and modern Apple models. 

At the end of last year, 29% of such users chose something from the iPhone 12, iPhone SE line, or the basic models of the iPhone 13 line. For comparison, among those who exchanged an iPhone for an iPhone, the share of buyers of the same models the total amounted to 21%.  

However, here we are not talking about a specific model, but about a whole group. But the most popular models were still the more modern iPhone 14 and 14 Plus. These devices accounted for 26% of all purchases by the specified user group. Next with a share of 25% are the iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max. 

Uncurated reviews of the Apple Vision Pro headset will be published tomorrow

As for the newest iPhone 15, the total share for the entire line was only 12%.  

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