Putin: Russia purchased too many aircraft abroad. 250 billion rubles were allocated for the modernization of 75 airports

by alex

We need to develop our production

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the fleet of domestic companies should be replenished with Russian aircraft.

«It is also necessary to update the air fleet using our own, domestic aircraft. They must meet all modern requirements for quality, convenience and safety. A difficult task»,— Putin said, noting that Russia has been purchasing too much aircraft abroad for too long, without developing its own production.

The head of state also stated the need to increase aviation mobility of Russians. By 2030, the intensity of air traffic should increase one and a half times from the level of 2023, for which funds have been allocated for the modernization of airports.

«And here the government faces specific tasks: in six years to modernize the infrastructure of at least 75 airports, this is more than a third of Russia’s airport network. We will allocate at least 250 billion rubles for these purposes — this will be direct budget financing», — added the Russian leader.

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Earlier, before the annual message of the President of the Russian Federation, the head of the state corporation Sergei Chemezov announced the postponement of the start of MC-21 deliveries to 2025 or even 2026. Shift in supplies of imported MC-21 and SJ-100 was explained by the lack of compromises and thoughts about passenger safety.

It was also announced that the final appearance of the completely imported MS-21 has not yet been formed.

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