The ban came into force: Roskomnadzor blocked 6 sites for advertising VPN services

by alex

From another 28 pages such information was promptly removed after a warning

Roskomnadzor sent more than 30 notices to website owners demanding that they remove information that advertises or popularizes means of bypassing blocking access to illegal content. Let us remind you that the ban on advertising means of bypassing blocking came into force in Russia on March 1 of this year. VPN services are one of these tools because their use allows you to access blocked sites.

According to Roskomnadzor, since March 1, 34 notifications have been sent to website owners demanding that they remove advertisements for VPN services. Resource owners promptly removed prohibited materials from 28 Internet pages, the agency notes. For failure to remove such materials, Roskomnadzor blocked six pages. The law provides for administrative liability in the form of a fine from 800 thousand to 4 million rubles for failure to remove advertising for means of bypassing blocking.

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