Truck maker MAN plans to build 200 hydrogen trucks to prove hydrogen is inefficient

by alex

MAN plans to explore hydrogen technologies in the transport industry

MAN, Europe's second largest commercial truck manufacturer, has announced plans to build 200 semi-trailers equipped with hydrogen engines. However, despite this move, the company remains skeptical about the use of hydrogen as a transport fuel.

MAN's previous statement stated its commitment to using battery electric vehicles for most applications. This contradicts the claim of creating a product that runs on hydrogen fuel. It is planned that these semi-trailers will be available to a limited number of customers transporting heavy loads such as timber or components for offshore wind turbines. Regarding the prospect of hydrogen fuel, the company is of the opinion that it will still be several years away , before the technology becomes truly market-ready and competitive».

MAN Truck CEO, Alexander Vlaskamp, ​​has previously expressed doubts about the effectiveness of hydrogen technology compared to batteries. He noted that the current cost of hydrogen is 13–14 euros and it is not environmentally friendly. Vlaskamp also pointed out the need to develop «green» hydrogen, which will be used in industry.

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Nevertheless, MAN continues research in the field of hydrogen technology, explaining this by the need to test the hypothesis about the potential of this type of fuel. Vlaskamp notes that while the use of hydrogen in transport may become a reality by 2035, this will only be possible if clean hydrogen is available at an affordable price and the appropriate infrastructure.

The same opinion was shared by MAN Board of Directors Member for Research and Development Frederik Som, emphasizing the long development path of hydrogen technology: In the future, we will serve the vast majority of our transport needs customers using battery electric trucks».

MAN gTGX trucks, equipped with H2 hydrogen engines, with a 56 kg tank, can refuel in 15 minutes at 700 bar, promise minimal emissions and power sufficient to transport more than 100 tons payload.

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