The Russian company supplied the main elements of the cooling tower for the “reactor of the future” BREST-OD-300

by alex

It will be launched in 2026

The Nanotechnology Center for Composites (NCC) supplied the necessary components for the experimental demonstration power complex of a power unit with the innovative BREST-OD-300 reactor. Creation of a «reactor of the future» is carried out on the territory of the Siberian Chemical Plant in Seversk, Tomsk Region. Earlier, Rosatom General Director Alexey Likhachev said that the physical launch of the «reactor of the future» will take place in 2026, and its inclusion in the energy grid is planned for the first half of 2027.  

NCC supplied an irrigation and water-removal device made of polymer materials for the evaporative cooling tower of the power unit, with an irrigation area of ​​4000 m², a height of 80 m and a capacity of 32,000 m³/hour. The NCC noted that the irrigation device — This is the main element of the cooling tower, responsible for its cooling capacity. And the water catching device allows you to minimize the impact of an operating cooling tower on the environment. 

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Российское предприятие поставило основные элементы градирни для «реактора будущего» БРЕСТ-ОД-300

The innovative BREST-OD-300 fast neutron reactor has a power of 300 MW. The advantage of such reactors – the ability to effectively use secondary products of the fuel cycle (in particular, plutonium) for energy production. Reactors of this type can produce more potential fuel than they consume, as well as afterburn (that is, utilize to produce energy) highly active transuranium elements. BREST-OD-300 will provide itself with the main energy component — plutonium-239, reproducing it from the isotope uranium-238.

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