Pavel Durov and Elon Musk boasted that Telegram and X are doing well amid a massive failure in YouTube, Google, Facebook*, Instagram*

by alex

Last year Telegram was unavailable for only 9 minutes

The founder of Telegram commented on the current situation in which millions of users are faced with problems in the operation of popular sites and services.

Millions of people registered and shared content on Telegram in the last hour while Instagram* and Facebook* were down. Interestingly, Telegram is more reliable than these services — despite the fact that it spends several times less on infrastructure per user.

We also have about 1000 times (!) fewer full-time employees than M**a, but we manage to launch new features and innovate faster. During 2023, Telegram was unavailable for only 9 minutes out of 525,600 minutes per year. That's 99.999983% uptime.

Pavel Durov

Before this, various sources, citing the Hong Kong provider HGC Global Communications Limited, reported that the Houthis kept their promise and attacked Internet cables in the Red Sea that connected Asia, Europe and Africa.

There was a problem with Telegram

Elon Musk posted the following message on X/Twitter: «If you are reading this post, it is because our servers are working»

* — Facebook and Instagram belong to Meta, a company recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation.

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