The coffee machine is in the kitchen, and the toys are in the nursery: pictures for Yandex Market are now generated by a neural network

by alex

You only need a photo of the product itself, and YandexART will select the appropriate environment. It's free

On Yandex Market, sellers can now create realistic images of their products for free using the YandexART neural network. According to the creators of the service, the new technology not only simplifies the creation of content, but also reduces the cost of photography: sellers usually spend from 5,000 to 7,000 rubles on content for one product card. Now it’s enough to upload a photo of a product with a plain background, and the neural network itself will generate images that will show the product in a suitable environment: it will place a coffee machine in the kitchen interior, and a toy — to the nursery.

You can create images of goods in the seller’s personal account on Yandex Market, and the service allows you to generate new images as many times as you like until the result suits the seller. The best images can be immediately added to the product card with the click of one button. Free download of high quality images is also available. Yandex notes that the new tool is now in beta version and is available for some categories, which include more than 600 thousand products. They plan to develop the technology and add new functions to it.

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