Tests of domestic seats for the imported SJ-100 aircraft failed. Photo

by alex

The chairs could not withstand a horizontal impact with an acceleration of 16g

Photos from tests of domestic seats for the imported SJ-100 airliner have appeared on the Internet. Apparently, the tests failed: the seats, developed at the Aerospace Systems Design Bureau, could not withstand a horizontal impact with an overload of 16g.

The chairs were supposed to remain intact, but the photo shows that the structure could not stand it. Obviously, some work is needed.

Испытания отечественных кресел для импортозамещённого самолёта SJ-100 провалились. Фото

Recall that the delivery of the first SJ-100 to the Aeroflot group postponed to 2024. Also, the production of passenger Tu-214 is postponed to 2024.

Meanwhile today Rostec and UEC announced that the first batch of domestic spark plugs for the SaM146 engines of the airliner SSJ-100 has been shipped. 

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