Russia has created a patch for administering vaccines without injections

by alex

Microneedles will deliver the drug painlessly and then simply dissolve

In Russia, they have developed a new technology for administering medications to replace conventional syringes; it was created at the Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov RTU MIREA. The new method is that pyramids with microneedles no more than 0.6 mm high pass through the stratum corneum of the skin without affecting the nerve endings. This method of administering the vaccine is completely painless and effective, scientists note; moreover, it is psychologically much easier for patients, especially children.

Institute specialists believe that in the future, patches with an array of microneedles will replace conventional injections. After penetrating the skin and administering the medication, the microneedles dissolve within minutes or hours, depending on the formulation. They are suitable for administering a wide range of vaccines and, in some cases, will allow the drug to be used in a lower dosage than with a conventional injection. The next stage of research by the group of scientists will be scaling up the development with the aim of launching it into industrial production.

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