There have been numerous complaints from Tesla owners: cars on FSD autopilot often crash into curbs

by alex

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The Full Self-Driving (FSD) software for Tesla vehicles has been well received by some car owners. Tesla recently launched a one-month FSD trial for all compatible models, and there were some negative reviews.

In particular, on many Tesla cars, after using FSD, tires and wheels began to be damaged by curbs. Over the past few weeks, many users have reported on the social platforms Reddit, X and YouTube that Tesla vehicles using FSD do not seem to notice curbs.

Появились многочисленные жалобы владельцев Tesla: автомобили на автопилоте FSD часто врезаются в бордюры

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In March of this year, Tesla gave car owners a one-month free trial of its FSD software. This should have encouraged more car owners to purchase the $12,000 FSD software package or pay the $200 monthly subscription fee.

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Many owners have posted posts and videos on social media showing their Tesla cars «jumping» on curbs with FSD enabled. One car owner also noted that Tesla's long-criticized calling feature, which allows a vehicle to automatically park or exit a parking space, still poses a safety risk related to collisions with stationary objects.

Появились многочисленные жалобы владельцев Tesla: автомобили на автопилоте FSD часто врезаются в бордюры

One Reddit user said: «After just 3 days of using FSD, I am convinced that this feature is not needed. I had to take control of the car again and again to prevent it from crashing into a curb or into a parked car on the side of the road».

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