Russians most often import Volkswagen and Toyota through parallel imports, according to data from GLONASS JSC

by alex

The top five included Mazda, Mercedes-Benz and Kia

Last year, Volkswagen and Toyota brands were most often imported into Russia through the parallel import system, as GLONASS JSC reported to TASS.

Total for 2023 to the «ERA-GLONASS» system connected more than 60 thousand vehicles of European and Japanese brands imported into the Russian Federation through alternative channels.

«As part of parallel imports, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs connected to the state information system "ERA-GLONASS" over 60 thousand vehicles of European and Japanese brands imported to Russia in 2023. The leader among brands of such cars equipped with SOS buttons was Volkswagen», — the company said.

Volkswagen accounted for almost 22% of all cars imported in this way. The most popular model was the Volkswagen Jetta. Next come Toyota (17.5%), Mazda (8.6%), Mercedes-Benz (5.6%) and Kia (3.8%).

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Since 2017, the installation of an in-vehicle emergency call device (UVEOS), connected to the ERA-GLONASS system, has become mandatory for all new cars and those imported into Russia. Currently, more than 10.2 million vehicles of various types are connected to this system. During its operation, more than 350 thousand emergency calls were recorded requiring the intervention of rescuers to provide assistance to victims of road accidents.

«Connecting transport to "ERA-GLONASS" on conveyors and when imported into Russia, it increases the safety of millions of road users. The State Information System allows you to call emergency services with one click or help other people if you witness an incident. Every year the system helps save thousands of lives of drivers and passengers», — noted the General Director of JSC «GLONASS» Alexey Raikevich.

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