Peter Molyneux created one of the worst games in Steam history, which was removed. Godus and Godus Wars buried in early access

by alex

Once upon a time, the ambitious Godus was released on Steam. The development of the game in early access did not work out, and Godus Wars did not work out either

Godus and Godus Wars have been removed from Steam. Legendary creator Peter Molyneux was involved in the development.

The history of the games has come to an end: both spent many years in early access. It looks like Godus and Godus Wars will never leave it now.

Godus received devastating reviews: it became one of the worst games in the history of Steam, taking 13th place in the anti-rating.

Formally, the removal of Godus and Godus Wars is due to some upcoming changes in Amazon Web Services – this will prevent developers from providing game files to new users. At the same time, existing players will be able to continue to enjoy the project. SteamDB dates the latest patches from 2015 – 2016.

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Peter Molyneux created one of the worst games in Steam history, which was removed. Godus and Godus Wars buried in early access

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