India begins building its first space station

by alex

Launch scheduled for 2035

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is gearing up to build its first space station as part of the country's ambitious space plans. According to ISRO head S. Somanath, the first modules of the station could be launched in the coming years.

Indian President Narendra Modi has set a goal for ISRO to create its own space station, which will be operational by 2035. The organization has already begun developing relevant technologies. It is planned to launch the Bharatiya Antariksh station into low Earth orbit, where it will accommodate from 2 to 4 astronauts. If all goes according to plan, India will become the fourth country, after Russia, the United States and China, to have its own space station.

The task of creating a space station has been entrusted to the Vikram Sarabhai Space Center in Thiruvananthapuram. The plan is to use India's most powerful rocket, Bahubali III, to launch components into an orbit about 400 km above Earth.

India plans to conduct microgravity experiments and astrobiological research on its space station. It will also be used to study the possibility of habitation on the lunar surface.

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It is estimated that the space station could weigh around 20 tons, but it may have inflatable modules, which would increase its final mass to 400 tons.

One side of the station will be dedicated to a docking port, which will be used to dock the crew module and the rocket that delivers the astronauts. Indian scientists are developing a special docking port that will be compatible with the ISS docking port.

When completed, the Indian space station will consist of four modules, as well as four pairs of solar panels and a permanent crew safety module evacuation system for emergencies.

The main module of the station will be equipped with an Indian life support and environmental control system, which will generate oxygen, remove carbon dioxide and maintain optimal relative humidity.

In the first phase of the station's development, it is planned to install two large solar panels to provide it with energy.

As part of Vision 2047, President Modi has set long-term ambitious goals for India, including building a space station and sending the first Indian astronaut to the moon by 2040.

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