How to make an Intel processor twice as fast without increasing power consumption? Tests show the advantage of AVX-512 over Xeon Emerald Rapids processors

by alex

Sometimes the difference is more than an order of magnitude

Intel Xeon processors of the Emerald Rapids generation appear to provide huge performance gains when activating AVX-512 instructions, and the gains are almost free in terms of power consumption. 

The authors of the Phoronix resource tested the flagship 64-core CPU Xeon Platinum 8592+, comparing the performance with and without AVX-512. 

Of course, the results are highly dependent on the application. In some places the increase was quite insignificant, and in others it was more than 10-fold! 

Как сделать процессор Intel вдвое быстрее без повышения энергопотребления? Тесты показали преимущество AVX-512 у процессоров Xeon Emerald Rapids

Как сделать процессор Intel вдвое быстрее без повышения энергопотребления? Тесты показали преимущество AVX-512 у процессоров Xeon Emerald Rapids

On average, AVX-512 gives an increase of approximately 100%, which is incredibly high. Moreover, the difference in power consumption is minimal: 583 W without AVX-512 and 590 W with AVX-512. These are average values, and sometimes the peaks differ more, but still, AVX-512 activation used to be much more expensive in this sense. 

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