AvtoVAZ is unstoppable. The plant will launch a series of 12 new models

by alex

The only question is how many of these models will be of our own design

Today, during the launch of pilot production of the Lada e-Largus, the head of AvtoVAZ, Maxim Sokolov, spoke about plans to produce new products for the next six years: during this time, the company will launch 12 new models into mass production! And this should provide AvtoVAZ with leadership in the Russian market.

«We expect to have a dominant position in the market. We will consider our strategy successful when we reach a share of 30–35%», — said Maxim Sokolov.

It’s easy to believe that so many new models will be released in a relatively short time: «oriental» partners. The only question is how many of these 12 models will be of our own design? So far there is data on only four: Lada Iskra (to be put into production in 2025), Lada Aura (production start in 2024), crossover based on Vesta (approximately 2025 year) and minivan.

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Today the head of AvtoVAZ also said that a prototype of the electric Niva has already been assembled, and that a prototype of the electric Vesta will soon be created.

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