In Hungary they sell a unique Volga GAZ-3111, which was not built by GAZ. Price – only 1.3 million rubles

by alex

Under the hood of the car there is a 2.5 liter engine

In Hungary, in Budapest, the Volga was put up for sale. GAZ-3111 produced in 2004 with an interesting fate: the fact is that it was not assembled at GAZ, because by that time, as Autopotok writes, the project of the “new Volga” at the head office was already closed.

The car was assembled by one of GAZ’s court firms, but which one — unknown. And the sedan belonged to the German Horst Roland Jesche, in the early 2000s he acted as a GAZ dealer in Germany.

В Венгрии продают уникальную «Волгу» ГАЗ-3111, которую построил не ГАЗ. Цена — всего 1,3 млн рублей

В Венгрии продают уникальную «Волгу» ГАЗ-3111, которую построил не ГАЗ. Цена — всего 1,3 млн рублей

В Венгрии продают уникальную «Волгу» ГАЗ-3111, которую построил не ГАЗ. Цена — всего 1,3 млн рублей

В Венгрии продают уникальную «Волгу» ГАЗ-3111, которую построил не ГАЗ. Цена — всего 1,3 млн рублей

В Венгрии продают уникальную «Волгу» ГАЗ-3111, которую построил не ГАЗ. Цена — всего 1,3 млн рублей

Judging by the photo, the car was well preserved, although some elements of the body were peeling off and the upholstery inside was worn out. Under the hood there is a standard ZMZ-405 engine with a volume of 2.5 liters and a power of 145 hp, it works in conjunction with a 5-speed manual transmission. The seller wants to get 5 million forints for the car — this is approximately 1.3 million rubles.

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