After a barrage of criticism, Intel removed a document from its website that accused AMD of trying to confuse customers

by alex

Intel initially did not do the best comparison

The Intel company recently published a document on its website where, on many pages, it colorfully and voluminously tried to prove that AMD is misleading customers by selling old processors under the guise of new ones. This document has already been deleted. 

A number of thematic resources published materials that were not the most pleasant for Intel, demonstrating that in this particular case the company itself was being cunning and making not particularly correct comparisons. Some, including the authors of WCCF Tech, even wrote letters to Intel, and the company eventually removed the document. 

Of course, this document was intended for Intel's corporate clients, and Intel itself did not advertise or promote it in any way, but this will not change history in any way. 

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Perhaps in the near future the company will publish some new similar document, where it will prove its superiority in a different way.  

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