A trailer has been released for the first short film created by a neural network, which will be released on a streaming video service

by alex

You can watch it on TCLtv+

The first short film created using neural networks will be released this summer. 

TCL has announced a trailer for the romantic comedy Next Stop Paris, which will be released on the TCLtv+/TCL TV streaming service.  

It is known that the story is based on the original script and is voiced by live actors. The neural network here was only responsible for the picture. It is unknown what kind of AI the film was created on the basis of, but it is clear that this is not such an impressive neural network as the latest Sora from OpenAI. 

The film tells the story of two young Americans who meet on a train to Paris and fall in love. Her name is Claire, and his name is not mentioned, except that he is called «a dark, mysterious man who never shows his vulnerability. 

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