8 years later: the State Duma abolished “Internet slavery” of apartment building residents

by alex

Now the operator can only be chosen by the decision of 2/3 of the homeowners

The State Duma finally adopted a bill on free access of telecom operators to apartment buildings (MKD), allowing residents to independently choose a provider. 

The initiative has been discussed and considered for almost a dozen years; the media managed to nickname it as a bill abolishing Internet slavery. As the press service of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Digital Development of Russia) emphasized, this is another important step that will allow citizens to freely connect to their home Internet.  

The Ministry of Digital Development said:

Since 2016, the communications industry has defended the right to fair competition. All this time, fees for placement of equipment by operators were increasing, and the lack of competition led to an increase in tariffs for communication services. Management companies (MCs) denied access to MKD to those providers who were not under their protection.

The bill allows providers to place equipment in residential buildings free of charge on the basis of an individual agreement with the homeowner or tenant. Residents will have the opportunity to freely choose a telecom operator.

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In this case, all requirements and standards for the placement of equipment will be observed. For example, the responsibility of operators for the preservation of common property is provided for, and rules for compliance with technical requirements for the installation of equipment are approved. The government will approve uniform standards for the placement of communication networks to ensure order. 

Providers who continue to operate will be required to reinstall all their equipment to uniform standards within a year. Operators with whom they do not renew contracts will have to dismantle this equipment.

Now the document will be sent for consideration to the Federation Council, and then – for signature by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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