Wildberries began to hide negative reviews if they are not about the product or the seller

by alex

Hidden reviews will not be taken into account when calculating the rating

The Wildberries marketplace has begun to hide negative reviews that do not relate to the product or the seller. Such reviews will not be taken into account when calculating the product rating in the card. The company said it analyzed thousands of reviews and trained a model that determines whether a review refers to a product or seller or not: machine learning technology allows you to check what exactly the comment refers to.

According to Wildberries, if an entire review with a low rating does not apply to a product, it will be automatically hidden and will not be taken into account in the rating. For example, the user is not satisfied with the work of the order pick-up point, and not with the product, in this case it is unfair to display such a review on the product page, the company believes. Such reviews are also hidden because buyers do not always read the text of the comment itself: sometimes users simply look at the rating.

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