Russian gamers choose Sony: there are 3.8 times more PlayStation fans in Russia than Xbox fans

by alex

The main disadvantages of consoles are named

Analysts from the online game development school XYZ, part of the educational company Ultimate Education, shared interesting statistics based on a survey of gamers and a study of consumer behavior.

XYZ School surveyed more than 1,000 Russian gamers on the topic of game consoles. It turned out that there are 3.8 times more PlayStation fans in Russia than Xbox fans. 

The study also identified the main factors when choosing game consoles. The performance of a gaming device is the most important characteristic for Russian gamers. In second place are exclusive games, and in third — cost of console and games. Next come factors such as compatibility with previous generations and brand reputation.

Respondents named the cost of games and subscriptions as the main disadvantage of PlayStation: games are often more expensive, especially new exclusives. Also, a PlayStation Plus subscription is required for online play, which is an additional cost. The second main disadvantage was compatibility; for example, the PlayStation 5 has limited backward compatibility compared to the Xbox Series X|S. In third place was the availability of consoles: in the early stages of the PS5's launch, there were significant problems with console stocks, which made it difficult for many potential buyers to purchase the device. While this is improving over time, the console is still difficult to find in some regions.

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The disadvantages of Xbox are completely opposite. So the main disadvantage is the small number of exclusives — Xbox has traditionally been seen as lagging behind PlayStation in terms of quality exclusive games that are only available on their consoles. In second place among the disadvantages is the user interface; gamers consider it inconvenient. In third place was a less technologically advanced controller compared to the PlayStation controller.

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