Unmanned air taxi makes its first intercity flight

by alex

The journey between the two Chinese cities took 20 minutes, while road transport would have taken about 3 hours

The world's first intercity flight of an unmanned air taxi was carried out in China. AutoFlight's electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft crossed the Pearl River during a flight from Shenzhen to Zhuhai. The flight, which took place on February 27, took only 20 minutes, whereas the journey by car would have taken about three hours.

Despite the relatively short distance between the cities, only about 50 km, the road situation there is not the easiest: the cities are located on opposite sides of the Pearl River Delta — where it flows into the South China Sea. In addition, it is one of the most densely populated areas in the world: about 86 million people live there, and the airspace borders several international airports.

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Беспилотное аэротакси впервые совершило междугородний перелёт

The air taxi demonstration flight took place completely autonomously, but so far without passengers. Certification for passenger transport should be carried out within the next two years. AutoFlight's air taxi can accommodate up to four passengers, can reach a cruising speed of up to 200 kilometers per hour, and has a maximum flight range of 250 kilometers.

In the future, the Chinese authorities plan to organize several air taxi routes at low altitudes; the project provides for the creation of thousands of sites for take-off and landing of such vehicles. The number of unmanned flights could reach 300,000 per year, both passenger and cargo transportation. eVTOLs will be used for tourism, logistics and emergency services.

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