The first Volvo minivan went on sale in Russia. At the same time, the Volvo EM90 turned out to be not much more expensive than in China

by alex

It has one electric motor with a power of 272 hp. and power reserve 738 km

Private companies began to offer the Volvo EM90 — the company's first minivan. They are ready to deliver the car from China for 11.85–13 million rubles. And it’s inexpensive, since the cost of the car in China itself is 10.3 million rubles in equivalent.

The car has only one configuration, and it is the maximum. But the power plant leaves much to be desired, especially taking into account the decent weight of the minivan and the realities of the Russian winter: the Volvo EM90 has only one electric motor with a power of 272 hp, which is also installed on the rear axle. True, the power reserve is not bad — up to 738 km according to the CLTC cycle.

The official premiere of the all-new Toyota Camry in China will take place in early March

Первый минивэн Volvo появился в продаже в России. При этом Volvo EM90 оказался ненамного дороже, чем в Китае

Первый минивэн Volvo появился в продаже в России. При этом Volvo EM90 оказался ненамного дороже, чем в Китае

Первый минивэн Volvo появился в продаже в России. При этом Volvo EM90 оказался ненамного дороже, чем в Китае

In Russia they ask for the same money for the Zeekr 009, a converted version of which is the Volvo EM90. But only the Zeekr 009 has all-wheel drive and 544 hp. in total.

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