“This is the smartphone with the thickest frame in history.” Famous insider about the frames of the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

by alex

The frame will be visually thick in the black version of the Galaxy S24 Ultra

Insider Ice Universe, who has his sources in Samsung, continues to reveal details about the future flagship Galaxy S24 Ultra. This time he specified data about the two frames of the device – the screen and the side.

I will call the S24 Ultra the smartphone with the thinnest screen bezel and the thickest side bezel. Its [screen] frame is only 1.52mm, which is obviously very thin. But its side frame reaches 1.85 mm. This is the smartphone with the thickest frame in history. When they are added together, the result is 3.4 mm. I've never made a mistake. I mentioned this a few months ago. If you don't want to look too ugly, don't buy the black version ,” Ice Universe wrote on Twitter.

Samsung wants to get Nvidia contracts. The company has a whole strategy for this called Nemo.

The last sentence needs clarification: in the black version, the frames will visually merge together, because of this it will seem that the Galaxy S24 Ultra has one large frame, although this is not the case.

Ice Universe also provided a picture that allows you to compare the Galaxy S24 Ultra with the Galaxy S22 Ultra.

«Это смартфон с самой толстой рамкой в истории». Известный инсайдер о рамках Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

Ice Universe was the first to accurately talk about the new trend for smartphones with waterfall screens, about the bangs in the iPhone X, about the new design of the iPhone 14 and about Samsung’s 200-megapixel image sensor. Exclusive information about new products is leaked to him by sources in the research and development department of the South Korean giant.

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