The Express-RV satellite constellation will help establish Internet on the railway

by alex

Four such devices will be launched at the end of 2024 – beginning of 2025

Russian Minister of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev said that a promising high-orbit constellation of satellites will help solve the issue of communications and the Internet on the railway. He mentioned this  at a meeting of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy.

According to Shadayev, at the end of 2024 — At the beginning of 2025, four Express-RV spacecraft will be launched, which will be used in a highly elliptical orbit. They will provide Internet access and communication services for all moving objects on sea routes, as well as for moving objects within the country, including on the railway.

At the moment, the technical design of the satellite communication system «Express-RV» within the framework of the «Sfera» project. System «Express-RV» includes a control and measuring complex, a ground control complex, as well as a rocket and space complex, which includes launch vehicles and spacecraft. To control the group, two flight control centers will be created: the main one in Zheleznogorsk and the backup one in Moscow.

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