70% of IT students do not believe that artificial intelligence will deprive them of their jobs. But 38% believe that AI threatens humanity

by alex

The Technology section is published with the support of Favbet Tech

70% студентов-айтишников не верят, что искусственный интеллект лишит их работы. Но 38% считают, что ИИ угрожает человечеству

Over the past year, artificial intelligence technologies have firmly entered our lives. They are used to create images, write texts, stories and program code.

Such capabilities raise concerns that AI systems could eventually take jobs away from humans. As the recent situation with Amazon showed, the placement of goods in stores for many sellers is automated via ChatGPT, so these fears are not unfounded. EPAM decided to find out whether IT students consider artificial intelligence as a competitor in the labor market?

To do this, we conducted a survey among 1,142 participants in the “IT Technologies Marathon 2023” program from EPAM University. The survey period is from November 4 to December 17, 2023. As it turned out, future IT specialists have different attitudes towards AI. 85% of engineering students use AI in work or study. Young people do not see AI as a competitor, but do not exclude its global influence on our lives.

70% студентов-айтишников не верят, что искусственный интеллект лишит их работы. Но 38% считают, что ИИ угрожает человечеству

According to the survey results, the vast majority (95%) consider AI to be an assistant. The technology is most often used to work with texts (75%), analytics (71%) and images (50%). At the same time, almost half of the students encountered AI errors when it comes up with information. Here are some student reviews:

  • “I wanted to pick up a list of literature, but received a list of real books mixed with fictional ones,”
  • “I was looking for legislative acts and standards, but I was given imaginary DSTUs with non-working links.”
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Future developers also do not see AI as their competitor. 70% of respondents are confident that smart algorithms will not be able to replace them in the future and deprive them of their jobs. However, if we look at the impact of technology more globally, the opinions of those surveyed were divided.

To the question: “Can AI get out of control and threaten humanity?”, 38% of participants answered positively. 37% do not believe in such a scenario, and another quarter found it difficult to answer.

The Technology section is published with the support of Favbet Tech

70% студентов-айтишников не верят, что искусственный интеллект лишит их работы. Но 38% считают, что ИИ угрожает человечеству

70% студентов-айтишников не верят, что искусственный интеллект лишит их работы. Но 38% считают, что ИИ угрожает человечеству

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