The domestic electric car “Atom” will receive a projection screen with augmented reality, and it will run on its own software

by alex

Atom developers have created an application designer for augmented reality and an AR Engine

Projection displays with augmented reality have been installed in top versions of Chinese, American and European cars for several years now, and soon such a screen will be in a Russian car — This was reported by the creators of the electric car «Atom».

Projection screen with augmented reality (AR HUD) in «Atom» will work on domestic software: the alpha version of Builder has already been released — application designer for AR HUD. Builder allows you not only to create applications, but also to modify them. For example, implement telemetry or navigation system data.

Отечественный электромобиль «Атом» получит проекционный экран с дополненной реальностью, и он будет работать на собственном ПО

Also developed by AR Engine — This is the content management engine for the projection screen. It is responsible for interaction with the information system of the Atom electric vehicle and allows you to display augmented reality images.

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Creators of «Atom» reported that the image on the projection screen is perceived as if it is at a distance of 12 meters from the driver. In comparison with conventional systems, the plane of which is 1-5 meters away from the driver, the «Atom» reduces cognitive and visual load.

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