“The dealer network is not built, there are no uniform prices as such, there is complete confusion with the trim levels.” “Avtovzglyad” – about sales of Solaris cars (Hyundai)

by alex

There are only five Solaris dealerships in Moscow, but I was only able to get through to four

«AutoView» I undertook to research how sales of Solaris cars are going in Russia, and found out a lot of interesting things. On the results of a survey of dealers, the editor-in-chief of «AvtoVzglyad» Alexander Rostarchuk and chief editor Victoria Bazyleva spoke in the podcast.

It turned out that there are only 32 Solaris dealers in Russia — three times less than Hyundai dealers. All over Moscow — only five dealers, and one could not be reached due to the reason that «the dialed number is not in service».

The salespeople themselves in dealerships get confused about the names of the cars and offer… buy 2022 Creta instead of a new one. And the manager of one of the dealers said that the warranty for the car is 2 years or 100 thousand km, although officially stated 3 years or 100 thousand km.

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Victoria Bazyleva also noted that the information on the official AGR website does not correspond to reality. For example, dealers accept orders for Hyundai HC (Creta) with a 2.0-liter engine, although the price list only shows cars with a 2.0-liter engine.

«Дилерская сеть не выстроена, единых цен как таковых нет, с комплектациями полная неразбериха». «Автовзгляд» — о продажах автомобилей Solaris (Hyundai)

«The dealer network is not built, there are no uniform prices as such, there is complete confusion with the trim levels», — the presenters conclude, but express the hope that over time the situation will stabilize.

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