Valheim stands up to hackers. Iron Gate studio warned players

by alex

Valheim's Discord, the official community channel of the famous Viking survival game, has become the victim of a hacker attack.

Unknown attackers took over administrator accounts, distributed links with malware and tried to delete all channels. Iron Gate studio blocked the server and warned players not to click on suspicious links.

The attack occurred on January 29, 2024 and surprised both developers and fans. The hackers posed as administrators and invited players to download a file with a virus that stole data and files from victims’ computers. The hackers also tried to bring the server down by deleting channels and banning users.

Iron Gate quickly responded to the situation and regained control of the server. The studio reported the attack on Steam and Twitter, asking for patience and caution. The server is currently down and the developers are working with Discord to get it back to normal.

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Valheim is one of the most popular games of recent years, selling more than 10 million copies. The game has a loyal and active community that often uses Discord, including for communication and collaboration.

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