Samsung works on the principle of “we fix one thing and break another”? An amazing autofocus “glitch” was discovered in the Galaxy S24 Ultra – and this is after two camera updates

by alex

Such strange behavior of the autofocus system has not been reported before

The Sammobile resource drew attention to a problem with the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra camera, documented by one of the Twitter users (X). The video below clearly shows the essence: the smartphone first tries to focus on the subject, and then something goes wrong, and the autofocus seems to be stuck.

Judging by the video, autofocus begins to stutter when changing focal length (or when switching between lenses — for example, from the main module to a wide-angle). 

Samsung работает по принципу «одно лечим — другое ломаем»? В Galaxy S24 Ultra обнаружился удивительный «глюк» автофокуса — и это уже после двух обновлений камеры

As Sammobile notes, similar problems were observed with other previously released Samsung smartphones, but they were later fixed with a firmware update. Considering that a similar problem with the Galaxy S24 Ultra has not previously been reported, but the device has already received two major updates, it is possible that some kind of fix did not work as expected and «broke» autofocus

Prices and platforms of Samsung Galaxy S24 in Russia have been announced. The editor-in-chief of Mobiltelefon shared an exclusive

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