Russian customers may not wait for their Tesla Cybertruck. Two cars are stuck on the Belarusian-Lithuanian border; a pre-trial investigation has begun in Lithuania

by alex

Pre-trial investigation – on the fact of violation of international sanctions

The first Tesla Cybertruck arrived in Russia across the Belarusian-Lithuanian border, two more cars were supposed to follow, but this did not happen: as the Belarusian resource reports with reference to the Criminal Customs Service of Lithuania, a & nbsp; suspicions that pickup trucks, formally imported into Belarus, will then be transported to Russia. And this is smuggling and a violation of international sanctions, so a pre-trial investigation has been launched in Lithuania

What will happen to cars now is unclear. At least we'll have to wait for the results of the investigation.

Российские заказчики могут не дождаться своих Tesla Cybertruck. Две машины «зависли» на белорусско-литовской границе, в Литве начало досудебное расследование

Российские заказчики могут не дождаться своих Tesla Cybertruck. Две машины «зависли» на белорусско-литовской границе, в Литве начало досудебное расследование

Let us recall that earlier the founder of the Moscow Tesla Club and the owner of that very first Russian Cybertruck, said that his company knows «how to make these cars [Cybertruck] appeared in Russia».

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