Now on Twitch you can broadcast erotic dances, as well as show breasts and naked drawn characters

by alex

The platform administration has introduced new rules that give more freedom to streamers who broadcast games that aren’t exactly games.

The Twitch administration has significantly relaxed the rules for certain streamers who use the platform originally intended for broadcasting games to demonstrate non-game content.

Now streamers can broadcast broadcasts of erotic dances and striptease, showing breasts and buttocks, as well as showing naked painted characters (sculptures are also allowed), but only if broadcasts with such content are carried out using special classification tags.

Dancing in front of the camera, taking off your clothes or simply shaking your buttocks is prohibited only if such a broadcast is being conducted from an adult establishment.

Broadcasting handjobs and games where coitus, explicit scenes and sexual violence are central themes is still prohibited.

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All broadcasts tagged with sexual content will not be included in the block with recommendations for viewers on the main page of Twitch.

(news cover source: Morgpie)

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