Livery for the Su-57 fighter in the style of La-7 camouflage by Ivan Kozhedub has been presented

by alex

Thrice Hero of the Soviet Union shot down 62 German aircraft

Rostec presented a historical livery for the Su-57 fighter in the style of the aircraft on which the legendary fighter pilot, air marshal, three-time Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Kozhedub fought. The announcement was made in honor of Victory Day.

On the occasion of Victory Day, Rostec State Corporation presented a historical livery for the fifth generation aircraft Su-57. This is a replica of the camouflage of the Soviet La-7 combat aircraft, on which the legendary fighter pilot Ivan Kozhedub fought. <…> The new livery for the stealthy fifth-generation Su-57 aircraft accurately copies the appearance of the historical aircraft. In particular, the pilot’s awards and eight rows of stars are displayed on board the vehicle – according to the number of German aircraft he destroyed, Rostec reported.

This is a tribute to the memory of Soviet pilots who fought the Nazis and gave us a peaceful sky above our heads.

Rostec recalled that Ivan Kozhedub made 330 combat missions and shot down 62 German aircraft – the most among the pilots of the anti-Hitler coalition: «Then he commanded a group of Soviet pilots who "burned" American "sabers" in the sky of Korea. In the new camouflage for the Su-57, we embodied the image of the legendary machine from the Second World War, on which the famous ace flew.

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Представлена ливрея для истребителя Су-57 в стиле камуфляжа Ла-7 Ивана Кожедуба

It was previously reported that the legendary I-16 fighter will take part in the Victory Parade in Novosibirsk. 

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