AMD continues to push Intel in absolutely all segments of the processor market

by alex

The company is doing especially well in the server area

AMD continues to gradually win back processor market share from Intel. At the end of the last quarter, according to Mercury Research, AMD's share of the CPU market as a whole increased from 17% to 20.6% in quantitative terms and from 12.5% ​​to 16.3% — in monetary terms.  

AMD has grown the most in the server segment, and this trend has been observed for several years now. Now AMD's share there in quantitative terms is 23.6% versus 18% a year earlier, and in monetary terms it has grown from 27.8% to 33%.  

AMD продолжает теснить Intel абсолютно во всех сегментах рынка процессоров

Buyers are increasingly choosing laptops over desktop PCs. Processor market statistics for the last quarter have been published

In the desktop segment, AMD's share in quantitative terms increased from 19.2% to 23.9%, and in monetary terms an increase was recorded from 15.4% to 19.2%.  

Now all GeForce RTX 40 and Radeon RX 7000 video cards are cheaper than recommended prices, at least in Germany. In the USA the situation is similar

In mobile, in the same order, there is an increase from 16.2% to 19.3% and from 10.9% to 14.9%.  

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